20/20 Campaign
The Baltimore Housing Roundtable has developed a vision for Fair Development in Baltimore. The 20/20 campaign calls for real, annual investment in neighborhood-driven development- development that puts us in charge of our own communities & doesn\’t price us out. The request is for a $20 million investment in the capital budget for permanently affordable housing and $20 million for projects that employ community residents to deconstruct vacants and create public green space.
Currently, the 20/20 Campaign has over 20,000 resident signatures for petition for support!
Share Baltimore
A new pilot project in Baltimore City, comprised of 4 new community land trusts, working to use various CLT models to preserve affordable housing. More to come……
Thurgood Marshall Initiative
The Conscious Developer’s and Investors Roundtable promotes conscious capitalism seeking to use business acumen, planning and investment to generate higher purpose in the life of communities by focus beyond only making money. By connecting business, tech and finance talent with financial resources and governance, the alliances joined in the conscious developer’s roundtable (CDRT) help launch the revitalization of strategic historical sites, revitalization of affordable and market housing, and expanding opportunities in retail and commercial projects. Through equity initiatives that lead to community benefits and profit sharing, CDRT features the key to broad-based engagement and recovery of purpose and profits.
Consider the Person Campaign
In November 2016, the Community Development Network of Maryland launched this project to change the hearts and minds of landlords and community members regarding participants in the Housing Choice Voucher holders that are being prevented from accessing housing opportunity, simply because they are participants in this program.
Housing Choice Voucher program (formerly Section 8) participants are often working professionals, elderly and veterans, families and individuals. But all too often, language used to describe voucher holders is comprised of stereotypes, misconceptions and racism. The Consider the Person campaign was created specifically to address those perceptions head-on, and to promote fair and affordable housing opportunities in the Baltimore region.